Hawkeye 社区 College Trustee 杰纳尔迪尼 Elected to ACCT Board of Directors Executive Committee

posted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 in  大学现在哪些app可以买球

WATERLOO–Hawkeye 社区 College Trustee 杰纳尔迪尼 was recently elected vice chair of the Association of 社区 College Trustees (ACCT) Board of Directors Executive Committee.

ACCT is a non-profit 教育al organization of governing boards, representing more than 6,500 elected and appointed trustees who govern over 1,200年社区, 技术, and junior colleges in the United States and beyond. Nardini is currently serving a three-year term as a director for the ACCT Central Region, which includes Iowa, 明尼苏达州, 密苏里州, 威斯康辛州, 密歇根, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 俄亥俄州, 肯塔基州, 和安大略, 加拿大. He also serves as the chair of the ACCT Finance and Audit Committee. 

Nardini previously served as chair of the Iowa Association of 社区 College Trustees (IACCT) and completed two elected terms on the ACCT 多样性, 股本, and 包容 Committee.

Nardini was sworn in on October 15, 2021, during the 2021 ACCT Leadership Congress in San Diego, 加州.


  1. Association of 社区 College Trustees
  2. Board of Trustees
  3. 杰纳尔迪尼